ICB - 4, DRD - 2

ICB - 4, DRD - 2

Under the National Electrification Project, DRD is undertaking Off-grid rural electrification in villages which are situated beyond 10 miles from Grid-line starting from (2016-2017) fiscal year.

 In fiscal year (2019-2020), Solar Home System for NEP (ICB-4,DRD-2) were implemented in (2) States & (3) Regions: Kayin, Shan States and Sagaing, Tanintharyi, Ayeyarwaddy Regions. Solar Home System as in household of 60 W for (26,189) and 100 W for (3,525) were implemented in as (50) townships and (694) villages. NEP also provide Public Facilities to villages for are (227) systems in Primary schools , (62) systems in Middle schools, (11) systems in High schools, (71) systems in Clinic , (401) systems in Religious buildings and (2,689) systems in Street Lights with the 100 % Government’s Subsidy. All total systems of (33,175) were implemented in NEP ICB-4,DRD-2.